Hi, I'm Mini Gluttony!
You might know my Mommy. She's Daily Gluttony, the lady who writes this blog.
Well she keeps saying something about how there aren't enough hours in the day and how she's tired. I don't know why grown ups are always tired and want to sleep. Who needs sleep anyways? I don't! In fact, I like to wake up every night between 1 and 3am. It's super fun! Anyways, my Mommy is always doing nice things for me, so I thought I'd do something nice for her and let her sleep while I write her latest blog post for her. I'm a good boy.
My Mommy and Daddy and I went to this place called
Osteria Mamma the other night for a family dinner out. We got there right when it opened because 1) my bedtime is 8:30 pm, which means the closer it gets to 8:30 while we are out, the closer I get to melting down from being tired, and 2) Mommy and Daddy said something about being considerate to the restaurant and the people who eat there. I have no idea what they're talking about.
We sat in the corner near a window so that Mommy could take her pictures. You should see my Mommy's bag when we all go out and she brings the big camera. It feels like she's carrying a bowling ball with all that stuff in there. Daddy thinks it's a giant pain in the patootie when Mommy takes pictures of food when we go out because he has to wait until Mommy finishes focusing and composing and all that fancy stuff before he can eat. Grown ups are silly.
First they brought us some bread which I thought was really cool since carbs are yummy. It was warm and sliced kinda thin and soft on the inside and crusty on the outside but not so crusty that I couldn't chew it with my teething gums. They also gave us a side of delicious marinara sauce that Mommy and Daddy had to help me dip my bread in. I'm not that coordinated yet.
Polipolata! I like that word 'cause it sounds like it could be the name of a cartoon character. But it is really the name of a dish of grilled octopus, celery, potatoes and lemon that we started our dinner with. I learned to count to 8 by squeezing the legs on some toy octopus at school. Somehow I don't think this was the same octopus, but it was mmm-mmm good. I like crunchy things like cookies and french fries, so the celery and potatoes in here were right up my alley. And then Mommy and Daddy kept using the word tender to describe the octopus. Do you think "tender" has something to do with the number ten? Hey, I can count to ten all by myself now!

I also made this really cool artsy deconstructed plating out of this dish. Yeah, I'm thinking I could win a future Top Chef competition one day, piece of cake.

Noodles and pasta are my favorite thing to eat in the whole wide world, so Mommy and Daddy ordered three kinds of pasta for me to try.

First was the
Trenette Nere alla Bottarga which was black squid ink trenette with organic cherry tomatoes, shrimp and bottarga, which is Italian for dried fish eggs. Most kids my age would think dried fish eggs and black pasta made with squid ink are yucky, but not me. No sirree! This was super! The botarga and tomato made the sauce all nice and tangy and briny, and the shrimp were plump, just like my legs! I even learned some more new words: "
al dente" which Mommy and Daddy said is the perfect texture for pasta. It means when something is cooked to have a toothsome bite which I could definitely feel in these noodles even though I don't even have all of my teeth yet.

Next we had the
Tagliatelle Bolognese which was my absolute favoritest dish of the evening. I really, really, really, really REALLY like any kind of pasta bolognese. My Mommy can tell you because she makes me spaghetti bolognese at home. Even though I like Mommy's, I love Mamma's (sorry Mommy, you know I still love always you the best) The veal, pork, sausage and tomato sauce was so rich and hearty and the tagliatelle ribbons so (oooh, I get to use some new words I learned!)
al dente, that I slurped almost all of this up by myself. The nice lady tried to take my plate away thinking I was done but I wasn't so I gave her some of my best stink eye. She just laughed.

Then we had the
Ravioli Burro e Salvia which were (again-new words!)
al dente pillows of pasta filled with spinach and ricotta cheese in butter and sage. Me and Mommy and Daddy thought this was good but compared to the squid ink trenette and tagliatelle bolognese, this definitely wasn't as awesome in flavors. Still, very nice and simple.

By this time, my little tummy was stuffed full with pasta, and I was a happy little boy, but Mommy and Daddy still wanted dessert, so they got the Panna Cotta with fresh berries. They said they liked it alot and that it was smooth and creamy and just real yummy.

I liked Osteria Mamma so much that I was a good little boy and behaved myself for almost all of our dinner, except when I tried to stick my hand in the purse of some lady sitting behind us, so I am hoping that Mommy and Daddy take me back here real soon. Mommy and Daddy, are you reading this?

Hey, this blogging thing is kinda fun. Maybe if I help Mommy write more, she will take me out to eat more.
Bye for now :)
Mini Gluttony
Osteria Mamma5732 Melrose Ave
Hollywood, CA 90004
(323) 284-7060
Love this guest post! Can't wait to see more work from mini gluttony!
agreed with DJJ above - we need more mini G. and kudos for early dinners, i know how it is!
Very cute! Loved it!!! :)
Mini G is the OG! What a palette this kid has -cant wait 2 see him do his stuff on top chef in 20 yrs!
I miss him!
Aw, absolutely love this! He's a cutie!
Pam, I like the last two photos of him: (a) finger licking (b) napkin over head. haha. we haven't tried any of those dishes, we will next time.
OMG! He and this post are the cutest things ever!
I think I should set Mini G up with my niece - you should see her put down! Though they might get in fisticuffs over that tagliatelle bolognese...
Loved Osteria Mamma - especially the squid ink pasta. I might break out into fisticuffs over that one too...
He is so eloquent! What a genius!
Soooo cute!!! Looks delicious!
How'd Jacob learn how to write??? And on a computer no less??? LOL!!!
One of my favorite restaurants!! I love the family that owns it!! That ravioli is to die for! Great review!
best post ever :)
Aw! I was smiling from start to finish. Mini Gluttony -- You've made my day with your cuteness!
I HEART Mini Gluttony! I hope he writes about his first sushi experience someday!
how cute are you mini gluttony! great post! that polipolata looks so delicious!
So friggin' cute.
omg your little boy is too cute!!!
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