Leave it to my childhood homegirl
Hello Kitty to throw a birthday party of epic proportions.
She's 35 this year folks, and instead of spending a low-profile, quiet evening at home like I did on my 35th birthday, she's going all out with a three-week-long birthday party at
Royal/T Café called "
Three Apples: An Exhibition Celebrating 35 Years Of Hello Kitty" in which she celebrates 35 years of being cute, fabulous, a style and pop culture icon, and most of all, a good friend to all us girls whose childhood and adolescent years were defined by orange-scented erasers, stamp sets, stationery, and plush toys all bearing none other than Ms. Kitty herself.

Yes, Royal/T's café still had its normal cosplay cafe menu of coffee, tea, sandwiches and snacks, and its waitresses dressed up in those ridiculously cute brown and white maid uniforms, but for this special occasion, they stepped it up a notch with a special Hello Kitty themed menu. I just
had to have the
Hello Kitty's Kawaii High Tea which included a pot of tea, two tramezzini complete with Hello Kitty grill marks, smoked salmon and spicy tuna canapé, a couple of mini cupcakes donning (*eek*) Hello Kitty rings, a mini brownie and green tea cake, and topped with my favorite...a Hello Kitty sugar cookie! It wasn't exactly a bargain at $25, and not haute cuisine by any means, but
so worth all the girly giggles it gave me. Individual Hello Kitty themed food items such as the tramezzini and Hello Kitty shaped pancakes and waffles are also available and just as

My husband wanted to order something more manly--as in a burger off the café's normal menu--but he still ate off my tea set. He was too embarrassed to show his face eating the cutesy sandwiches.

Nor did he find it amusing when I asked him to try on one of my Hello Kitty rings.

After we ate, it was time to celebrate some more by exploring the Hello Kitty art and artifacts exhibits at Royal/T. Everything was so freaking adorable that I OD'ed on all the cuteness, died and went to Hello Kitty heaven.
All the artwork was absofreakinglutely insane, and ranged from morbid to fabulous (a la Lady Gaga)

And I wished I could take all the Hello Kitty stuff displayed throughout the gallery home with me.

Look, they even have a Hello Kitty apartment! Every girl needs one of these!

But my absolute favorite part of the exhibition was seeing a ton of vintage Hello Kitty merchandise from the 70's and 80's that I either used to own or remember seeing as a kid. Those were the good old days.

Happy 35th Birthday to my old friend. You haven't aged one bit, and are still as cute as ever. Thanks for all the good times and good memories, and here's to many more happy years to come. Peace and love!

Three Apples is running daily from 10 am to 10 pm at Royal/T Café until November 15th. Please visit my
SmugMug album for more photos of my visit to Three Apples!
Three Apples: An Exhibition Celebrating 35 Years of Hello Kitty(at Royal/T Café)
8910 Washington Blvd
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 559-6300
Your photos are so good! I took mine in the dark!
*squeal* That is so much cuter than the promo photos. I wasn't going to go, but now I HAVE to go...heading over to Culver City this afternoon...BTW, your husband is adorable!
I loved the Hello Kitty exhibit! I was there last week and my friends & I will return on a weeknight to the cafe since there was a 2 hour wait on Sunday (understandably so)
I've been bugging Dylan to take me. Now I get to say, "Even Isaac got to go!"
this looks rad. might have to check this out before it goes away.
Nice. Evelina and I went and in comparison, your food looked so much better than ours! Your cookie was "cuter" and the your Kitty sandwich had a better imprint of her face. It was fun though.
Disclaimer: Do not walk into the store because you are guaranteed to spend lots of money on things you never thought you needed before.
I just had the tea yesterday - the cute food DID make it more fun!
R&C, you look 18 in your smug mug photos. Tell hubs he did an awesome job taking photos.
That 80s HK set is AWESOME. Glad you didn't take your son. Woulda wrecked his isht up for life!
How did I miss this post?! So wonderful, made me smile from ear to ear. Isaac giving the bird was a personal favorite shot.
love isaac's middle finger photo. jeni made me get in the air balloon with her.
amazing!! where do we get those imprints?!
dammit i missed it. dawg shat.
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