Have to pee. (11:01 AM April 17th from web)
Am tweeting whilst on toilet. (11:03 AM April 17th from twitterific)
@yomama No I said PEE (11:05 AM April 17th from web)
Am wondering what to eat for lunch. (11:07 AM April 17th from web)
Acting busy; boss thinks I'm still working on a project which I already finished this AM (11:08 AM April 17th from web)
Reading food blogs via browser window in corner that i shrunk to midget size (11:11 AM April 17th from web)
Just read @kungfupanda post about Taipei Golden Pork Chop in Rowland Heights. Only half mile away think I'll go there. (11:22 AM April 17th from web)
Fuck just got email someone needs analysis done by noon. FML (11:24 AM April 17th from web)
Going into data warehouse to shop for data (11:26 AM April 17th from web)
Maybe I should be working instead of twittering, I really need to get this done (11:30 AM April 17th from web)
Can't help it, I am addicted to twitter (11:31 AM April 17th from web)
Slicing, dicing, and cooking up these numbers 1-2-3 I'm done! (11:51 AM April 17th from web)
@yomama My excel skillz are like the most agile hooker's. I can bend my data any way u want LOL (11:54 AM April 17th from web)
Just emailed analysis out (11:56 AM April 17th from web)
Getting ready to leave 4 lunch, drank 2 much coffee earlier, have 2 pee again (11:59 AM April 17th from web)
Twittering on the can again (12:03 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Walking out to car (12:05 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Am at stoplight so it is OK to tweet right? (12:08 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Just got to Diamond Plaza, address 4 this place points to Brochette??? Where is TGPC??? (12:08 PM April 17th from twitterific)
@randomfoodie Thx, I wouldve never known it is inside Brochette. (12:10 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Found table near window and sat down. Place looks like a Japanese pub (12:11 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Lady just asked: R U alone? "By yourself" would have been better, "alone" makes me sound like a freakin loser. (12:13 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Got handed the menu slip & pencil and got asked if I read Chinese which I don't. Got "the" look. (12:16 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Noticed that they have prune juice on the menu (12:17 PM April 17th from twitterific)
What should I get? Hmm, think I must get fried porkchop but w/ rice or noodles? (12:18 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Wondering why no one is stalking me if my twitter followers know I'm here (12:20 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Oh well someone could still show up (12:25 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Yay lunch is here: fried pork chop, rice w pork sauce, veggies and soup..I'm starving! (12:31 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Took a few aerial shots of my dishes as well as closeup food porno shots of the porkchop (12:35 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Soup has seaweed cabbage and some bonito flakes bland but I guess supposed 2 B simple (12:37 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Porkchop fried 2 nice golden brown; sauce is good too (12:39 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Am chewing and swallowing (12:40 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Rice w/ pork sauce tasty but veggies very bland; love the soy infused egg tho (12:43 PM April 17th from twitterific)
BC of decor & nite yakitori menu, asked lady if this is Japanese izakaya by nite she gave me look and just answered "Taiwanese." Oops (12:45 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Paid my bill, its cash only BTW, and left very full (12:55 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Verdict is that food is OK for a lunch spot service is quick & straightforward would return coz its so close (12:58 PM April 17th from twitterific)
Back at office still wondering why no one stalked me (1:07 PM April 17th from web)
Have to pee again (1:09 PM April 17th from web)
OK, enough. The purpose of this post? To stop myself from regular twittering/tweeting because I am *this* close to doing it. I know, I know, you're probably thinking what's the big fucking deal, just give in and do it, right? But see, it's a matter of principle to me. On one hand, it's straight up kind of fun. My friends are funny people and I like when my funny friends write funny things. I also think it would be kind of cool to look back upon in the same way a journal or diary would. If I were a business, I could see how Twitter could be a powerful marketing tool, a la Kogi BBQ.
But on the other, much bigger, you-have-man-hands hand, I just don't get how much people are up in other people's business nowadays, and I feel like Twitter is taking social-stalking to a whole new level. I know because I'm guilty of being web-sessive too. Between blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, and various special-interest forums that I participate in, I feel like the concept of privacy and any "me" time is long gone. I also wonder how people have time to do anything anymore being that we are all so caught up in updating the world with our every move. Do people really give that much of a rat's ass what I am doing right now that they would send an Invitation To Join Twitter to a complete stranger? Does our society have that much A.D.D. that we no longer have the stamina to read/write an entire paragraph from start to finish and would much rather read/write "sentences" of 140 words-or-less? Since Twitter seems to be an important networking tool within our current foodblogging community, do we think that Twitter is enhancing or taking away from blogging? Could it be that food writing, or heck, even writing in general is evolving and that Twitter or something similar will eventually replace blogging? Gosh I hope not. I happen to like paragraphs.
To Tweet or Not To Tweet? That is the question.
Taipei Golden Pork Chop Noodle and Rice
1380 Fullerton Road, suite 106
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 810-5570
Open from 11am to 2:30 pm, cash only.
I don't tweet.
But I do like the pork chops of my people. :)
i don't find twitter that involving - you can be pretty passive in it (i.e., use it to follow certain celebrities, etc.).
i find it easy to just txt a 'tweet' at my convenience and i can read random thoughts from friends and celebrities using the site - makes for good 'break from work' time.
this being said, i think you could probably come up with some funny shit on your twitter feed if you got into it.
Don't do it!
You just have to watch this:
LOL! Pam - I love this post...all this "socliaizing" can take over your life.
Funny - I actually just joined the ranks of Twitterers this week. I didn't plan to, but then I discovered that the Hatfields are on Twitter and wanted to follow them and some of the other LA chefs on the site. Not because I necessarily want to stalk them -- more because I find it incredibly fascinating to see what goes on "behind the scenes" at a top restaurant. I definitely agree with you about the time commitment though. I don't think I'll become too obsessed about updating it/reading other people's updates.
I hope.
Funny, I can't tweet at work anymore, but my work loves this place for chicken leg (not so much for Pork chops!).
Their tofu is not bad also, but the boss lady never smiles. Watch out for her! LOL
hilarious, pam! regardless of whether or not you tweet, this post is still golden. you pee as much as i do (without coffee).
And even awesomer.
Like, for example..."Have to pee"?? haha.
Hahaha, I love it!!
Thanks! I know, huh? Of course all the above was just sarcasm, but I'm sure there's someone out there who does take it to that extent!
Suuuuuure you didn't intend to. Suuuuure you won't become too committed. haha, just kidding.
I think that was the same lady that gave me the stinkeye. Short hair & petite? Hey, you work in the RowHeights area too? What are some of your fave restaurants?
Thanks!! OK, OK, so maybe I exaggerated the pee thing...I only had to go twice, not thrice, and I definitely did NOT twitter on the toilet! LOL!
i quittered twitter.
Pam! A pleasure meeting you as well, if only for a brief moment, at Jitlada. I'm excited to hear that you'll be blogging your heart out even though you've found meaningful employment. Creativity must be unleashed.
Um, yeah. I read this post lmao in the car in between twittering about my dog. Lulz.
Yeah, I think we are thinking of the same lao ban niang (old boss lady).
My dining places around that are for lunch are Red Ant, Maxim Cafe, 101 Noodle Express, Canaan, and Q Noodle House.
My co-workers and bosses favs are at Red Ant (bleh!) and Q Noodle House (it's ok). I would have gone to Supreme Dragon or New Golden City for dumplings, but the waits for a table are too long.
welcome to the twittersphere! :) *embraces with open arms* LOL
Hey Pam, thanks for the shoutout!
TW porkchop house does its job and that's about it :) Since your office is close by, you have quite a few places to eat. Have you tried the stinky tofu place in the HK Market plaza?
BTW, nice meeting you the other day at Jitlada!
Haha, you made me laugh so hard that I "twit" my pants! I love how you twittered about peeing on the can. But.. I hope you didn't enter a stall after one of those people that piss on the seat and don't wipe it off. I would definitely twitter about that.
Twitter or The Olive Garden? It seems to me that you lost both arguments!
good for you for having willpower! LOL!
next time we'll have to make sure we chat more! so true about unleashing creativity. i work w/ numbers all day so this is necessary for my sanity! :)
you are twittering in the car about your dog??? hahaha
thanks for all the recs! i'll have to put those on my list to try!
you know what they say "if you can't beat em, join em!" :P
nice meeting you too! sorry we didn't get to chat more--it was way too crowded! i would normally love to try the stinky tofu place, but i'm not sure if that would be prudent for a work lunch hour! haha
hahaha, i know huh? i can see someone tweeting about it, then going into another stall and tweeting again from that stall whilst peeing. LOL!
what can i say, i have no willpower! haha
this post was too freakin funny.. i find that i'm just emailing random photos from twitterfon on twitter for when i'm procrastinating writing longer posts..
but speaking of pork chop rice, i haven't had that in taipei in ages.. too busy eating other good stuff, i suppose
You don't read Chinese?? What kinda Asian R U!!
This posting is you blogging at your best! Great job from the can or the restaurant table.
"Reading food blogs via browser window in corner that i shrunk to midget size."
LOL OMG I do this too! I thought I was just super smart, but if I ever become a manager in the future, this is what I'll be looking for on my minion's desks.
Funny thing is, two years after this article was written ALL of the commenters have Twitter =)
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